admitted to the hospital 在 確診病例英文 confirmed case | 本土案例 local | 境外移入 abroad | 宅在家裡讀英文 Stay home studying English 的影片資訊
確診病例英文 confirmed case Today we have 10 new confirmed cases. Two of them are local. The rest are from...
確診病例英文 confirmed case Today we have 10 new confirmed cases. Two of them are local. The rest are from...
Hey guys! Sorry this came out so late but, hey better late than never right? The second half of Dece...
【この動画にコメントを投稿する方法】 YouTube対策(判断)により、私達のチャンネルのコメントが閉鎖されました。非常に寂しいですが、是非、この動画について皆さんからコメントをいただきたいと思ってい...
Throwback to early June, when Klay was admitted into the hospital... What people said to me (unbelie...
Hello Youtube Family, So a couple days ago, I was admitted to hospital due to bleeding issues. Afte...
2014年5月12日~17日/Y:2歳6ヶ月/R:4歳11ヶ月 He got out of shape in May, and he was hospitalized for four days. H...
Hello my YT friends! Welcome to my 38 Week Pregnancy vlog! This is going to be our last one, guys! ...